
Quick Setup Instructions

  1. Plug in the board with USB cable.
  2. Wait for the board to display "-connEct-"
  3. Using your smart phone, tablet, laptop or other Wi-Fi device, connect to the board’s network called Linked Board. Then open a browser and navigate to any web page. (or type in
  4. The board will redirect your request to the configuration page.
  5. Click Configure Wi-Fi and select or enter your local wireless network SSID.
  6. Enter the password for your network and click save.
  7. The board will save the information and connect to your network and retrieve the information from the server and update the displays.

Extended Setup Instructions

Linked Board Setup Instructions.pdf
Includes the quick start instructions above, and extended explanations and pictures.

Error Codes

Communications over the internet do not always go as planned. Sometimes servers are down for maintenance, or traffic is high slowing responses. Usually these situations resolve themselves without any action required. The error codes below may appear on your Linked Board in these situations. The board will usually be able to resolve the problem without any interaction required. However, if your board displays an error code for an extended period (a couple hours could be expected during a server upgrade), please contact technical support.
Err 000 001 Unable to connect to the Linked Boards data server. The board will try to contact the server every 10 minutes until sucessful.
Err 000 002 The Linked Boards data server was contacted, but a response was not received with in the time allotted. The board will try to contact the server again in 10 minutes.
Err 000 003 The local Wi-Fi network connection was not successfull. This could be because you have not setup the board yet (see the instructions above), or maybe your local Wi-Fi network is down. Once your network is operating again, the board will connect again by itself. However, if network settings have changed, you will need to go through the setup instructions again.
Err 001 001 The server received an update request, but the request did not contain a correclty formatted device identifier. I suppose it is theoretically possible that traffice across the internet might get corrupted and this might occur. The board will try to connect again in a few minutes. If you get this error, please contact technical support.
Err 001 002 The server received an update request from a device that is not registered in our system. This could be cause if the database is down for maintenance. The board will try to connect again in a few minutes. If you get this error, please contact technical support, and be sure to include the device id that is displayed when the board first powers up.
Err 001 003 Your device is associated with a team that is not currently configured in the system. This could be cause if the database is down for maintenance. The board will try to connect again in a few minutes. If you get this error, please contact technical support, and be sure to include the device id that is displayed when the board first powers up.

Additional Support

If you require additional support, or have comments or suggestions, plese contact technical support at